
Winner! (Comp)
Turn (Comp)
Winner! (Comp)
Turn (Comp)

How to play

Player vs Computer

You can select between the modes "Easy", "Medium" and "Impossible". To begin playing, make a first move as cross or click on the circle button to let the Computer make the first move. Then, try to place your circles or crosses in a way the Computer can't defend itself anymore. Winner is the player who has three of his symbols in a row, either horizontal, vertical or diagonal. At any time you can click on Restart or change the game mode to start a new game. Have fun!

Player vs Player

Basically the same as the Player vs Computer modes, but in this case every move (cross + circle) is made by a human player. Play against your friend and have fun!

Keyboard Shortcuts

Key Description
? Show this help dialog.
r Restart the game.
shift+r Reset the win stats.
oor0 Play as Circle (PvC game mode only).
1...9 Make a move on the field with the pressed number (NumPad or default).
Structure of the game field:
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3